Little-Reich School Athletics Grants

The Little-Reich School Athletics Grants encourage both male and female students to participate in school athletics. Participation in school athletics not only enhances students’ physical fitness but also leads to improvements in academic achievement, plus benefits in numerous psychological measures, including a sense of belonging, body-image, persistence, patience, and goal-setting.

General Information
Grants will be awarded to Guilford County school athletic teams or clubs, with equal emphasis on female and male athletics.

Applicants may be Athletic Department Directors, teachers, coaches, or any school staff member interested in enriching students’ athletic endeavors.

Individual grants are limited to a maximum of $1250.

Grant money must be spent in this school year and cannot be carried over to next school year. Unused money must be returned.

Grants can be partially funded.

Application Deadline
Grants will be considered when they are submitted until all allocated funds are disbursed.

Grant recipients will be emailed within three weeks of submitting an application.

Grant awards will be deposited in the school’s account within three weeks of approval.

Application Requirements
The application may be completed online using the form below or printed out and either emailed to or mailed to: Enrichment Fund for the Guilford County Schools, Inc., P.O. Box 10208, Greensboro, NC 27404, marked “Little-Reich Athletics Grant Application.”

By May 31, grant recipients are required to provide to the Enrichment Fund:

1. All relevant receipts for the grant.

2. A brief evaluation of the benefits of the grant money including, if possible, pictures (that can be posted on the Enrichment Fund website).

Failure to adhere to these rules will result in the applicant being ineligible for future grants.

Any questions about the Little-Reich School Athletics Grants should be emailed to:



The application may be filled out online using the form below or you may complete the hard copy application using this link: Little-Reich Grant Application

Hard copies can be scanned and emailed to:

or marked “Little-Reich School Athletics Grant Application” and mailed to:

The Enrichment Fund for Guilford County Schools, Inc.
P.O. Box 10208
Greensboro, NC 27404

Apply online using the form below: